View ▼ Items per page 102550100 Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number Results: Viewing items 1-10 of 119. Previous|12345678...12|Next Image Lot # Item Title Time Left Your Bids 1 FIONA PARDINGTON Female Kāi Tahu Heitiki, Akaroa, O'Kain's Bay Māori and Colonial Museum Estimate$5,000 - $8,000Starting$4,000 LoginLogin to buy! 2 ROBYN KAHUKIWA untitled Estimate$5,000 - $10,000Current bid$4,800 Asking bid$5,000 LoginLogin to buy! 3 GUY NGAN Forest Gods Dancing Estimate$2,000 - $4,000Current bid$1,600 Asking bid$1,700 LoginLogin to buy! 4 JOHN WALSH Toku Whanau Ataahua Estimate$6,500 - $9,500Starting$5,200 LoginLogin to buy! 5 DON PEEBLES PAINTING Estimate$3,000 - $6,000Starting$2,400 LoginLogin to buy! 6 TONY DE LAUTOUR untitled Estimate$4,000 - $6,000Starting$3,200 LoginLogin to buy! 7 ALLEN MADDOX untitled Estimate$3,000 - $5,000Current bid$2,400 Asking bid$2,600 LoginLogin to buy! 8 RICHARD KILLEEN Repetition Triangle Spider Estimate$1,500 - $2,500Starting$1,200 LoginLogin to buy! 9 JEFFREY HARRIS untitled Estimate$5,000 - $8,000Starting$4,000 LoginLogin to buy! 10 JEFFREY HARRIS Crucifixion Estimate$5,000 - $8,000Starting$4,000 LoginLogin to buy! Items per page 102550100 Previous|12345678...12|Next123456789101112 Previous 123456789101112 Next